The Weald School, West Sussex
Project information
Building: The Weald School
Location: West Sussex
Interior Designers: Tugwell Heating
Project Completion: 1st phase September 2016
Geberit Know-How

Project overview
The Weald School is an OFSTED ‘outstanding’ mixed comprehensive school for 11 to 18 year olds, teaching around 1,600 students, one of the highest performing non-selective sixth forms in the South of England.
With a reputation for excellence - academically and in its student’s behaviour - The Weald’s popularity meant expansion and redevelopment was required to accommodate more pupils.
Based on a pleasant 25-acre site, the large school already has exceptional facilities allowing it to offer a varied range of academic and vocational courses, including all-weather floodlit sports pitches, gym and swimming pool. And now, following a £10.3 million grant, significant expansion is underway, with works due for completion in 2017.
The redevelopment includes a three-storey in-fill teaching block with high-tech classrooms covering a range of subjects; extra science, drama and music provision, plus new ICT infrastructure. In addition, the school will benefit from improved kitchen facilities, the erection of a roof to provide a two-storey covered dining space, a dedicated recycling area and enhanced sixth-form space.
The finished school will be able to increase its capacity from 1,500 to potentially 1,900 children.