Coleg Cambria Yale
Project information
Location: Wrexham, North Wales
Contractor: Wynne Construction
Project Completion: Due Dec 2020
Problem: To complete a large installation within a semi curved building, within the specified timescale
Geberit Mepla

Project overview
Coleg Cambria Yale is a sixth form college situated in the town centre of Wrexham, North Wales. The college awarded a £21m contract to Wynne Construction to design and build a new three-storey, 96,000 sqft building.This will include facilities for catering, creative arts and sports, as well as providing space for general teaching and IT studios. The building will replace elements of the campus’ existing buildings, which have now been demolished.
Mechanical services contractor Margden Heating worked on the installation of the LTHW heating systems along with hot and cold water supply throughout the new building, which is due to complete by the end of 2020.